Most effective Leadership vs Management Styles

Whatโ€™s an effective leadership?

An effective and successful leadership is the one who is capable to lead and see what is going on with clear insight, and flexible to change. They lead effectively because they can see well regardless of any size. (Madanchian et al., p.1047. 2017)

As a manager or leader, motivate people to do their best work and get invested in the company’s success. Understanding and enhancing your management styles is critical for successful leadership. However, both leadership and management are essential for the success of an organisation.

Are leaders born or made? And what personality leaders should have?

According to research conducted by (Marley, 2021) among 361 C-suits, more than 20% believe leaders are born, while the majority believe leaders are made and ranked based on their experiences, training, and attributes. Those who believed that leaders were born ranked features and experiences as fairly equal, followed by training. Some of today’s most successful leaders began their careers with humble career paths (Gupta, 2022).

The expression “know themselves” identifies a fundamental prerequisite for connecting with others (Khan et al., p.10.2022) and be authentic leaders factors are taking responsibility, synthesizing knowledge, trust, and possessing necessary technical skills (Narang et al., p.33. 2016).

Difference between Leadership vs Management?

(Kotter, 1990) argues that leadership and management is an ageless topic and involve two distinct but complementary sets of action. Simply say, leadership is about coping with change while management is about coping with complexity. Here is a summary that to distinguish between the two (Lunenburg, p.2 2011).

In simple, leaders and managers are under different characteristics(Naโ€™imah & Muhibbin, p.60.2020).

Effective Leadership Styles:

A leader’s single responsibility is to get outcomes. Per Harvard Business review (Sexton, 2017), there are six types of leadership style and different strategies

Coercive/commanding leaders:

Require quick acquiescence sample like Rudy Giuliani during 9/11 exemplified command leadership in the immediate aftermath of tragedy (Shoaib, 2022).

Authoritarian/Visionary leaders;

It rallies their followers around a shared vision, There is a good example Elon Musk โ€“ CEO of Telsa and Space X, with bold vision, innovative approach achieved international successful leader in Electric vehicle market.ย 

Affiliative leaders:

It fosters emotional connections and harmony. This approach can consider as people 1st approach, a good example is Richard Branson has built its Virgin Group with employee engagement and also created positive culture with branding.

Democratic leaders:

It achieves consensus through involvement like Former Coke CEO Muhtar Kent deployed democratic leadership style with inclusive decision making and focus on consensus and outcome drive for innovation and sustainable growth.

Pacesetting leaders:

It values excellence and self-direction, real life example like Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, implemented performance focus, efficiency and result. However this method is creating high pressure environment.

Coaching leaders:

It prepares people for the future, example like CEO of Microsoft, Google, they are empowering employee to take ownership and develop their own skills with all kinds of supports.

Conclusion & Recommendation:

The route to leadership greatness is difficult.  Leaders must have an extensive understanding of themselves and the impact they have on others. The core of leadership is strongly related to the concept of self-awareness. Leaders must also improve their ability to understand how they affect those around them, gain a clear picture of their own strengths and weaknesses, and recognize and control their emotional responses. Leadership is a long-lasting and long-debated topic (CNA, 2024).

An effective leader must be motivated in order to enhance his or her leadership skills. Motivation in leadership is similar to a soul in a body; a body without a soul is equivalent to a robot without feelings.

This also applies to leadership; if a leader has qualities like leadership but lacks motivation, the result will be a monotonous working environment. However, leaders with excellent motivation skills will foster a positive work environment and inspire one another.

The finest leadership can vary greatly based on the situation and individual leader’s strengths.

There is no one size fit all leadership style for effective leaders.  In the previous blog, we have shared diversity team management, leaders that achieve the best result should not only reply on a single leadership style, a โ€œblendedโ€ leadership or use a variety of styles throughout the business traits. Leaders should choose the type according to the business settings and find the best fit leadership style.


CNA. (2024, June 28). Bidenโ€™s debate performance spurs Democratic panic about his ability to lead party against Trump. CNA.

Gupta, C. (2022, September 6). This is how they started; This is where they are.

Khan, H. G. A., Khan, M. A., Ali, M. I., Salem, S., Rashid, S., & Zahur, H. (2022). Does authentic leadership influences performance of individuals in presence of trust and leader member exchange: an evidence from health care sector. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1).

Kotter, J. P. (1990). Force for change. Google Books.

Lindberg, C. (2023, January 23). The Six Leadership Styles by Daniel Goleman. Leadership Ahoy!

Lunenburg, F. C. (2011). Leadership versus Management: A Key Distinctionโ€”At Least in Theory [Journal-article]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, BUSINESS, AND ADMINISTRATION, 14(1), 1.

Narang, A., Kumar, J., & Jatinder Kumar Samyal. (2016). Leadership competencies for librarians. In International Journal of Library Science [Journal-article].

Naโ€™imah, T., & Muhibbin, A. (2020). Characteristics of Islamic Education Leadership: Literature review. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 11, 59โ€“67.

Marley, M. (2021). What research shows about whether leaders are born or made. People Development Magazine.

Madanchian, M., Hussein, N., Noordin, F., & Taherdoost, H. (2017). Leadership effectiveness measurement and its effect on organization outcomes. Procedia Engineering, 181, 1043โ€“1048.

Sexton, A. (2017, June 15). Harvard leadership styles: Six leadership strategies.

Shoaib, A. (2022, September 10). Rudy Giuliani said 9/11 was the โ€œworstโ€ but also in some ways the โ€œgreatestโ€ day of his life. Business Insider.

12 responses to “Most effective Leadership vs Management Styles”

  1. Great insights! Your blog effectively distinguishes between leadership and management while highlighting the importance of adapting various leadership styles to different situations for optimal results. Great job Alice! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, Almond. Thank you for reading my blog and being the first person to comment on it. Yes, there are various types of leadership styles; however, I believe leaders should use multiple leadership styles to maximize their achievements in leadership and leaders should also increase employee engagement by motivations and create the environment that is helpful to employees can provide long term success for leaders.


      1. Great writeup on the effective leadership sharing on different types of leadership styles relating to real life case study on industry leaders adopted styles in managing the organisation interesting read. Looking forward to your next blog post.


  2. very good examples of the leader examples for different type of leadership. Nice information.


  3. Very well-presented information with links to the leader. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! Different types of leadership are well-described under your post. I like the way you share your understanding to leadership. Keep it up.. ๐Ÿ‘

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A timely example about the presidential debate. Two different styles of leadership! Who will be selected by the US citizens?! Great to see insightful analysis and practical examples.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. wow! A very informative blog! Keep up with the good job!


  7. Nice blog! You provided a thorough analysis of effective leadership and its various styles, with great real-life examples and emphasis on self-awareness and motivation. Looking forward to your next post.๐Ÿ˜Š

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Great insights and easy to read. Love the leaders’ discussions ๐Ÿ™‚


  9. Hi Alice,

    I also believe firmly that effective leaders need to have a deep understanding of themselvas and the impact thet have on their team members and other functional groups within the organization. It will be a definetely a long discussion on leadership as it is a complex and multifaceted topic. Great work on this! Hope to see your next topic! ๐Ÿ™‚


  10. dextym2996f8f33b Avatar

    Very wonderful examples on the various types of leaderships. Yes, the leaders needs to believe in themselves truthfully in order to be motivated and steer the team towards the goals.


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